A new way to say, I love you.

It’s been a long year and although it’s not over yet, I can’t help but reflect on the challenges presented to us as a society, a community, and as individuals as we head into yet another surge of COVID 19. We’ve had to be creative, tenacious, dedicated, flexible, and unwavering so that we can come through this year intact and functional, together.

What I really want to say is, I see you.

I see you loving your children by tackling online schooling and zoom dance classes. I see you loving your schools by attending and changing how you take classes. I see you loving your community by ordering take out from local restaurants when you aren’t even sure how you will pay your own bills. I see you love one another by wearing a mask and standing respectfully distant while you shop and check out at the store. I see you sharing resources to make what was impossible, possible for others.

I see you and I know what you are saying.

I love you too.

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